Install syringe pump fittings as shown under 'Setup' and illustrated to the left. The syringe (if not already connected) screws into the bottom of a 4-way valve and is connected to a stepper
motor. The syringe can load liquid through the sample port (right) and dispense liquid through the waste port (top) or the injection port (left; connected to tee via 1/16" OD teflon tubing).
Plug in the 15-pin cable to power the syringe pump from the electronics box and to enable communications with the PAMControls software. Most operations are controlled through the software -
follow the on-screen instructions.
If syringe cleaning is required (beyond basic solvent rinsing operations):
Disconnect the syringe from the valve
Remove the piston from the syringe and clean it in an ultrasonic bath
Rinse the glass body with solvent
Dry the glass body in an air stream.
If sample dilution is required, dilute with a solvent of appropriate reactivity and polarity. Some recommendations are provided below. Rate constants are given in units of cm^3/molec/sec.
Rate constants for other potential solvents can be located here: